In the past, I’d always been sceptical of motivational quotes.
Of course, there were exceptions.
President John F. Kennedy’s “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” always stuck with me.
Later on I learned that the design of JFK’s quote – that of ‘parallel construction’ where two halves of the claim are attractively balanced – has much to do with it’s wow factor.
After my Mom passed away I found a notebook of motivational quotes in her desk
After my Mom passed away, I found a small spiral bound notebook titled “Inspirational Quotes” in her desk.
Over the course of a few pages – in her painstakingly beautiful handwriting – she had written down about a dozen quotes.
As I read each one, I considered the context of the quote in her life.
For a few I understood the context right away – for a time she was a caregiver for both her husband and son (my brother).
Thematically these quotes focused on personal strength.
Maya Angelou’s “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide to not be reduced by them” was one of these.
For the other quotes I realized that the context belonged to my Mom. I couldn’t be sure why they had struck a chord with her.
But I as I read these I felt I was looking down into her well of inspiration – and it inspired me in turn.
I’ve rethought the utility of motivational quotes
Not all motivational quotes are created equal. A quick scan on Pinterest on the topic of ‘motivational quotes’ proves this out.
And that’s ok. If something doesn’t resonate with me I move on. It wasn’t meant for me.
But when I find one that resonates or inspires, I think first of the context.
Who would benefit from reading this? Andwhat would be going on in their lives that makes this quote meaningful?
It’s a an interesting empathy exercise. Simply because it requires you to think of someone else. Their who and their what.
Reading my Mom’s selections from her spiralbound notebook gave me insight into what she needed or wanted to hear.
I think it helped me understand her better.
Sometimes I actively seek out motivational quotes that address my own context
I can do this alone – as a self-reflective exercise.
Who am I right now? Boss, Husband, Brother, Son, Business owner, Expat…the list goes on and on (as would yours).
What do I need to hear right now? To keep the fire burning. Or see things in a new or different way. Perhaps to calm down.
A resonant quote – stumbled across at the right time – gives me a chance to have this dialogue with myself.
With human beings there’s nothing new under the sun
When it comes to human frailty, foibles & emotions, there’s nothing new under the sun.
Someone has experienced what I’ve experienced or felt the way I felt.
Even if their circumstances were wildly different than mine.
I love that some of these folks – whether from ancient times or in the present – wanted to share their perspective.
So that someone like my Mom could take comfort in them.
Thank you for reading!
I help and inspire people around the world through professional training in Contact Centers, Customer Service and Customer Experience.
If I can be of help don’t hestitate to send me a note or drop your email into the Subscribe form on our website.
Daniel Ord
[email protected] /